3 ways to divide your company to make better use of APS
When you start thinking about implementing an APS solution, one of the first questions that comes up is: "Should we divide the company into different models? And how do we do that?"Well, first of all, let's talk about what a model is. We call a model an independent unit of the APS system. Just like in mathematical problems, we model a real problem and transform it into a theoretical problem, but instead of writing a mathematical expression, we do it using the APS system. Therefore, in complex production chains within the same company, the division of APS models can directly influence the quality and adherence of the solution. Therefore, it is always important to discuss the positive and negative impacts of each architecture we are going to adopt. The big trade-off that occurs in this part of the project is that the more we separate the modeling, the more the holistic view of the plant is impaired, but the more we group the modeling, the more complex the solution becomes.To illustrate, we have separated 3 types of modeling divisions:1 - Physical DivisionPerhapsthis is the most natural of all and often happens without discussion. Imagine the example of a company with headquarters in Porto Alegre and São Paulo. Originally, these two locations will probably each have a programmer, with their own programming rules, specific parameters and other basic differences. In order to give the two plants due independence, it might be interesting to design an independent model for each.2 - Division by Parallel ProcessNowlet's imagine that this same company produces two types of products (pen and pencil). It might be interesting to separate each type of product into a model, even if they are produced at the same headquarters. But be very careful when doing this step, we have to satisfy a basic premise of sequencing: the same resource can only be sequenced by one modeling. In other words, the machines that produce the pen components will not produce the pencil components, so we ensure that the flow of each type of product does not mix with the flow of the other.3 - Division By Serial ProcessAnotherexample that is quite common is to have a modeling by production stage. For example, if our pen factory were separated into the Assembly and Packaging sectors. This division can make a lot of sense in order to give independence to the processes, but it also requires that there be a procedural division between these two sectors, for example: a stock of assembled pens for the packaging sector. In these cases, it can be a great advantage to group these sectors together in order to have a vision of the production order flow and the impact of a change in programming on the other process. So, as we can see, it is possible to design the solution in different ways for an APS implementation project, showing how flexible and adaptable this solution is to the various production chains combined with market experience. Now tell us, what would be the best architecture for yours?[noptin-form id=2822]