We offer the ideal solutions for digitizing the industry's supply chain. And we can prove it.

Balancing stocks, production with finite capacity and demand.
Companies in the segment served:
Neo supports you throughout your supply chain planning, from the long to the short term, dealing with the characteristics of each industry, from the definition of inventory strategies, demand and production planning, to the optimized sequencing of each production operation in order to generate agile, viable and efficient scenarios.
We combine consultative expertise with cutting-edge technologies.

Get to know Opcenter APS
As the largest Siemens partner in the Planning and Scheduling portfolio in Latin America, certified Smart Expert, we have implemented the world's leading Opcenter APS software, designed to use advanced heuristics to balance demand and capacity and achieve optimized Production Planning and Sequencing.
Get to know nPLAN
Get to know Plannera
The industry's problems:
What is expected with our projects:
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